Embark on a culinary discovery of Bali, where the wild and inventive gourmet imaginings of French-American chef-visionary Chris Salans have taken root. Using modern French techniques of cooking and presentation, the classically-trained Salans incorporates both everyday and exotic Indonesian and Balinese ingredients in his cooking. The resulting flavours are sometimes surprising, but more often subtly nuanced, with unusual taste profiles that will titillate the most jaded of palates. Chef Salans calls his culinary oeuvre – borne out of years of research, and trial and error – French-Balinese gastronomy. The recipes are organised around 17 ingredients found in Bali and elsewhere in Indonesia, all of which are keys to the inspiration behind the dishes at Mozaic. While some ingredients are commonly found in other parts of the world, others are unique to Bali and will inspire the home cook to embrace the creative approach to food for which Mozaic has become famous. Mozaic: French Cuisine, Balinese Flavours will introduce you to the magic of Chef Salans’ cuisine, and will be the perfect memento for diners who want to replicate the Mozaic culinary experience at home.
Text: Chris Salans
ISBN: 978-981-4260-45-9
144 pp, 280 x 250 mm, hardback
Retail price : Rp. 322.000
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